Change is Hard…and Cute

This morning, Ellie woke up at 5:25 (sadly, as been her custom the past few days).  After a long nursing session, she was still upset (as in throwing herself around the bed upset) but finally agreed to rock with me.  So as we were rocking, I asked her if I could sing to her.  After several definitive “no” answers to all her favorite songs, I asked if I could pray and she said, “yes.”  So through tears, Nik and I prayed that she would know that she was loved, that she would rest assured that there was room in our family for four, that she would believe that change was coming but that it would be OK.  She knows things are changing and the unknown is scary.

As we prepare for B2’s arrival, we’re also trying to talk to Ellie about what life is going to be like once B2 joins our family.  It’s hard to know how much she is really processing and as we all know, theory is much easier to talk about than put to into practice!  But there are a few things that she seems to have taken a hold of, as evidenced in this movie

In other news, I was convinced for about 45 minutes on Sunday that I was in labor so I got all the packing done for the birth center plus when Nik got home from taking Ellie to visit Yiayia, he installed the second car seat in our car.   Actually, I wasn’t really all that convinced that I was in labor but I was having some pain, which made me think, “You know Laura, you’re 38 weeks pregnant and so you’d probably better get your act together and just pack.”  So at least we’re packed and ready for the real deal when it does come!

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4 Responses to Change is Hard…and Cute

  1. Aunt Zona says:

    You are doing such a good job of preparing her. When B2 arrives, of course adjustments will be made, but that is how we learn, and Ellie will learn patience and also the joy of that precious baby sib. And – Ellie is so cute!

  2. Mom says:

    Absolutely precious, Laura! I agree with Zona – you are doing a great job of preparing her.

    • Laura says:

      Thank you Mom – tonight she was chatting all through her bath about all that she and the baby are going to do in the bath – mostly dump water, I think!

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